Saturday, August 21, 2010

In Java Programming How can I find out what methods I will get from a parent object?

It is called information hiding. Programmers that create packages usually give the documentation on the classes and their methods. Usually those ones that are provided by java. To get a list of the methods you can get from the parent object, you can go to this website below:

Note that it is difficult (almost impossible) to get a list of all the methods in a parent class if the programmer of that class didn't provide the documentation of it.

Hope it helpsIn Java Programming How can I find out what methods I will get from a parent object?
Any method that is public or protected are accessible to subclasses. If the parent class is in the same package as yours, the non-private ones are also accessible.In Java Programming How can I find out what methods I will get from a parent object?
Look at the superclass definition and check what access specifiers the methods/data members have.
You will get all non-private methods from the parent class.
Depends on your IDE. I cant do it in a standard interface.
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