I agree with you, however I also think that anyone who doesn't have stepkids or has never been one, needs to refrain from answering questions in it. There are alot of people on the parenting section answering questions about stepkids, and come to find out, they have no personal experience dealing with it.What about a step parent category under ';parenting';?
Your right. No one can really know what it is like to be one, unless they are one.
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Of course though, based on my thumbs downs, they are going to try to.
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I agree that there should be a part in the Guidelines for 'Step Parents'... We as Step parents sometimes do MORE then either of the bio parents.
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I honestly don't think there should be a separate section for step parenting. My husband is the only dad my son has ever known his biological dad wants nothing to do with him. He is ten and he knows all about what is going on. In my husbands eyes he is his son not his stepson and will treat him the way he treats our other five children.
great idea but i have no idea of how to get the catagory on here. have to contact yahoo officials i suppose. how to do that and get a response, i am not sure. good idea you have though.
In my opinion you should not keep refering to it as step parents.When you are living on a daily basis as a family unit, you must not differentiate between your, mine and ours.how can you expect the family to grow together if you are placing a barrier there that separates everyone. A family is a family regardless of the composition.Parenting is still parenting but with different issues at times.
you don't need a separate category. its all parenting
good idea!
Suggest it to the powers that be at yahoo.
Ya know, I do beleive that's a good idea. I don't have any step children, but I do have a son that when he goes to see his father and step mother he comes home in a terrible mood. Someone explain that one to me. I could go on and on in this subject, as I am sure alot of other parents could also. There are alot of different views I am fully aware of.
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